Account System SDK

Published on:
Jun 25, 2024
Written by:
Ventali Tan
Read time:
10 min

Ventali Tan

Products & Operations

Our Vision

We foresee a profound shift in how organizations function in the future. The traditional hierarchical structures will give way to more decentralized and dynamic models. Individuals will no longer be tethered to a single organization. Instead, they'll collaborate with multiple organizations, assume varied roles, and contribute to diverse social groups. This shift will transform the nature of work, breaking free from the restrictions of geography and singular corporate identities. This is not just a change, it's a revolution in work and value exchange - one that calls for a new kind of infrastructure.

The Problem

The existing financial infrastructure is fraught with challenges that stifle economic innovation and flexibility. Traditional systems are centralized, creating conditions for monopolistic control, opacity, and inefficiencies. They often fail to ensure adequate financial privacy and are plagued by elevated transaction costs that unfairly burden smaller transactions. The complexity, time, and expense associated with cross-border transactions further exemplify these systemic flaws.

Blockchain technology initially seemed to offer a resolution to these issues. However, existing blockchain-based solutions also carry significant shortcomings. The public nature of blockchain transactions undermines financial privacy, while scalability challenges lead to prohibitively high transaction costs, particularly in popular ecosystems like Ethereum.

Moreover, most blockchain solutions remain primarily currency-focused, lacking the capability for more intricate operations such as multi-organization collaborations or dynamic roles. This deficiency curtails their real-world adoption, where financial transactions are tightly interlinked with a multitude of roles and relationships.

On top of these, the user interface and user experience (UI/UX) in the current blockchain landscape present significant obstacles to mainstream adoption. The complexities and steep learning curve associated with using self-custodial products can deter potential users. Security concerns, often tied to the loss or theft of cryptographic keys, add another layer of apprehension. High transaction costs, especially during peak network congestion, introduce unexpected financial burdens for users. The overall UI/UX issues, coupled with security risks and economic barriers, contribute to a daunting environment that hinders broader adoption of blockchain solutions.

Addressing these deep-rooted problems requires a paradigm shift — one that our advanced account system aims to deliver.

Our Solution

Our product is designed to be the foundation of this revolution. We are building an advanced account system that enables free and frictionless value transfers between platforms, organizations, and individuals. We are creating the protocol for this next wave of financial and social freedom.

In this decentralized ecosystem, our wallet is not just a tool; it's the nexus where financial transactions, identity, and access intersect. It's designed to cater to a future where individuals can work with multiple organizations simultaneously, share in their success, and move fluidly between projects and roles. Our system facilitates this by allowing seamless value transfers, reducing friction, and enabling new forms of collaboration and economic participation.

The Impact

Our product isn't just about streamlining transactions; it's about reimagining the economic framework of work. We believe this shift towards decentralization will bring about a more equitable distribution of wealth and power. It will empower individuals and small organizations, drive innovation, and stimulate economic growth.

We are not just proposing an evolution of the existing system but envisioning a complete transformation of the way we interact, contribute, and gain from the economic ecosystem. Our wallet is a critical step towards realizing this vision.

Product Highlights

At the heart of our solution is the user's power to control their own funds while seamlessly transferring value across various organizations and platforms. Our product creates an effortless way for users to manage their interactions with other parties in the next era of decentralized finance and collaboration. Here are the core highlights:

Private Subaccounts: Users can create private subaccounts within organizations. These subaccounts can handle payroll, fund transfers, and even conceal transaction details to maintain user privacy. They function as full-featured wallets, initiating arbitrary transactions on L1 and employing recursive proof aggregation to reduce or sometimes completely eliminate the cost of privacy.

Flexible Spending Policies: Our solution supports account abstraction with adaptable spending policies and signature schemes. The spending conditions can be private inputs in a ZK circuit or zkVM program, thereby ensuring they don't have to be publicly revealed.

Unified Identity / Single Sign-On: We offer a unified identifier account that enables users to access all our products and services with a single login, streamlining user access and identity management.

Suborganizations: Our system supports suborganizations under a main organization account. These suborganizations can house multiple subaccounts for various purposes, such as managing payroll, invested funds, or client-specific tasks. This structure simplifies the management of multiple accounts and tasks.

Inter-organizational Transfers: We handle private inter-organizational transactions through a single payroll processor DAO/wallet that ensures KYC/AML during sub-account creation. This DAO will be managed by us and will cater to companies that value privacy for their payroll processing and other financial transactions.


State Model

Our state model is designed to manage and track the state of transactions and accounts in our wallet system. This forms the basis for efficient, secure, and transparent operations. Our state model borrows from prominent protocols like StarkEx and Aztec V2, emphasizing multi-asset support, dynamic authorization, and high throughput, all customized to suit our application logic.

For more details, please refer to [Link to State Model Document].


We are building a new zkVM that is engineered to maximize prover performance. It is compatible with a 31-bit field, is restricted to degree 3 constraints, and has minimal instruction decoding. The VM doesn't contain any general-purpose registers, nor a dedicated stack, and instead operates directly on memory. We also utilize newer lookup arguments to eliminate trace overhead involved in cross-chip communication.

Our zkVM uses the Plonky3 toolkit to implement the STARK IOP, and to handle all field and cryptographic operations. The zkVM's compact, efficient design ensures our wallet system remains scalable and versatile.

For more details, please refer to [Link to zkVM Document].

Aggregation Layer

The aggregation layer is a critical component of our system, facilitating scalability and efficient on-chain settlement. It enables bundling of multiple transactions into a single proof, significantly reducing on-chain footprint and lowering transaction costs.

For more details, please refer to [Link to Aggregation Layer Document].

Product Strategy


An advanced wallet application that empowers users with seamless, private, and frictionless value transfers between different platforms, organizations, and individuals.

Our target users are forward-thinking, privacy-conscious organizations and individuals who aim to self-custody and manage their crypto assets securely. We empower these users to navigate the crypto space with unparalleled privacy, heightened control over their assets, and superior transaction capabilities.


A robust development kit facilitating the integration of our advanced financial account system, designed for institutions and developers to enable instantaneous, private asset transfers across diverse platforms.

Our target clients span a wide spectrum, including Decentralized Exchanges (DEX), wallets, treasury management platforms and other on-chain applications, all of which can benefit from an account system that is both robust and responsive to their specific needs. With our SDK, we provide these businesses with the opportunity to streamline their operations, enhance their privacy measures, and better serve their end-users with instantaneous, secure transactions.

The vast potential of our account system SDK extends far beyond finance and can find innovative applications in various other industries, including the world of gaming. By leveraging the unique features of our SDK, game developers can construct large-scale, information-asymmetry games that were previously unthinkable in a decentralized environment.

Take, for example, a game of the complexity and scale of "Civilization". With LitaX, developers could create scenarios where multiple empires battle each other. The advantage of using our SDK in such a setting is that it allows for strategic depth and suspense by not revealing critical information - like the positions or concentrations of soldiers and munitions. This would preserve the element of surprise and strategy that are central to such games, enriching the overall gaming experience.

Our account system SDK not only preserves privacy and security, but it also opens the door to more sophisticated, intriguing, and engaging gameplay. It's a classic case of technology enhancing entertainment, showing once again how our infrastructure can redefine possibilities across various sectors. We list some additional use cases below:


  1. Real-Time Strategy Games (RTS): Similar to the example of "Civilization", other RTS games could also benefit. Players could manage their resources, build their bases, and command their units without revealing their strategies to the enemy. It adds an extra layer of strategy and intrigue to the game.
  2. Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMO): For games that involve large-scale player interaction, LitaX SDK could facilitate private transactions of in-game assets and currencies. This could help to mitigate scams and fraud often associated with such transactions.
  3. Gambling Games: Privacy and fairness are two significant concerns in online gambling. Using LitaX, developers could create provably fair games where the outcomes are verifiable but the players' decisions remain hidden.
  4. Cross-compatible Gaming Systems: The unified account system and the rollup SDK could enable developers to create a shared ecosystem of games. In this ecosystem, assets, identity, and achievements can transfer seamlessly across various gaming experiences.


  1. Decentralized Banking: Our account system SDK could enable decentralized platforms to offer bank-like services (like loans, savings accounts, etc.) with added privacy and security.
  2. Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs): Enhancing privacy in DEXs can be a game-changer. Traders can execute transactions without revealing their strategies or positions, encouraging wider participation.
  3. Supply Chain Finance: The SDK could enable private, verifiable transactions within supply chains, allowing businesses to maintain trade secrets while still providing necessary transparency to lenders or auditors.

General Use Cases:

  1. Voting Systems: The SDK could be used to build a secure, private, and tamper-proof voting system for elections or decision-making in organizations.
  2. Identity Verification: By proving certain attributes without revealing the entire identity, the SDK could serve in KYC/AML processes, user authentication for online services, etc.
  3. Data Marketplace: Individuals or organizations could sell access to their private data without revealing the data itself, preserving privacy while still allowing data-driven decision making.
  4. Private Communications: The SDK could power messaging systems where the content and metadata (like sender, recipient, time) are hidden, yet the integrity and authenticity are verifiable.

This is an idea that came out of a discussion between Daniel Lubarov, Max Gillett, Wei Dai and me. If you are interested in working with me on any of these ideas, please reach me at

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